Weekly News – Oct 11, 2023

Oct 11, 2023
Hello Everyone,
Our speaker tomorrow is Kenny Anderson. He will discuss the local history of Taco Bell in Farmington; from the beginning to where they are now. Taco Bell, with the Anderson family, does so much to give back to our community, with a strong focus on our children. Kenny is an Honorary Member of Kiwanis.
Perla Wahoske, Mrs. New Mexico America and Branch Manager at Washington Federal, will give a brief talk about her experience at the 2023 Mrs. America Pageant in Las Vegas this summer. Perla won Best Costume in the Contest!
Board Meeting immediately following luncheon meeting.
We will also be distributing Shoes and Socks to the Bloomfield Boys & Girls Club at 3pm; we hope you can join us!
Thank you to our speaker last week, Alyssa Begay with Wesst. WESST’s mission is to be a home to New Mexicans starting or growing a small business. They provide a support system of consulting, training, incubation and lending to help women and others to successfully grow their businesses. We appreciate you Alyssa and excited to have you as part of the Kiwanis family!
Bring your dollars to buy into the poker game; the cards are down to 10 and it supports our yearly social, too!
Thank you to everyone that came yesterday to the Farmington Club to deliver Shoes for Kids! We have changed so much with this program and providing hundreds of shoes to Title 1 schools and those most in need. We had 100% participation with all 6 sites. That means the Main Club is lower than in the past but we are serving so many children and thank you for your love and support!
If you want to order a Kiwanis t-shirt but haven’t done so, please order by Oct 16. You can place your order at tomorrow’s meeting or email Jill at jmcq2@yahoo.com. Shirts will be navy or dark blue. Cost $13 for s-xl.
If your business would like to host a donation location for Coats for Kids, please let Brian know. You can provide your own box or pick up a free one at Maytag store on 20th. brian.turner@morganstanley.com
Please keep these upcoming dates in mind and consider signing up for these important events.
Shoes for Kids!!! The Bloomfield Club will be October 12th at 3:30pm. We hope you can come for a while and spend some time with the kids and help out!
November 1st and 2nd is Kiwanis Clothes for Kids at Target. Bob Brooks-Chairman. 50 to 60 volunteers needed each evening. 300 to 325 elementary children expected.
Nov 11th is Coats for Kids-Brian Turner-Chairman.
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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