Our Projects
Our club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide. Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in a number of social activities to share experiences, talents and our collective interests. All represent great opportunities for service, friendships and personal growth. Below are the projects and activities in which we are currently involved.
Farmington Rio del Sol Kiwanis

Dining with the Dead
Our annual September event is sure to be one not to miss. Guests are invited to join us for dinner and a guided tour to meet historical figures from our area. This is a great event and all proceeds go to help fund our many children projects throughout the year.
Clothes for Kids
Every November we invite around 300 children from our area to come shopping with us at Target Stores for school clothes. Each child invited receives $100 to use for any type of clothing they may be in need of. This is a great event with lots of community support. Come volunteer to help shop with a child at our next event.

Coats for Kids
In November of every year our club collects gently used coats from the community as well as many new coats to give out to kids in need. Coats are professionally dry cleaned by Howard’s Cleaners and Crown Cleaners. We give approx 400-600 coats every year.
Scholastic Book Fair
In partnership with Outback Steakhouse we offer $20 dinner tickets to help raise funds for this program. Every year we select a title 1 school in our district and buy enough books for every child to take home a book of their choosing, stock the library with more books, and generally provide additional money to the school for various programs that are in need.

Duck Race
Partnering with the River Reach Foundation this fundraiser is always a great event. Participants purchase ducks to race down Willet Ditch along the Animas River. Winners are awarded some exciting prizes during the annual River Fest during Memorial Day weekend each year.
Shoes for Kids
Each year Kiwanis provides new athletic shoes and socks to 250 to 350 children attending the Boys and Girls Clubs in Farmington, Hiltop, and Bloomfield.

Don’t Meth With Us
The Don’t Meth With Us program is an international drug awareness for 5th graders to help educate them about the dangers of experimenting with methamphetamine and other illegal substances.
Each year approximately 2200 San Juan County, including NE Navajo Reservation, children hear the anti-meth presentation. We believe that only thru education can we help stop the drug epidemic spreading across the United States, Canada, and throughout many other countries.
Pancake Breakfast
Join us for the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast held annually on the Saturday of Father’s Day weekend at the Outback Steakhouse in Farmington, NM from 8am to 11am. This event is a fundraiser for Kiwanis Clothes for Kids.

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Contact Us
P.O. Box 843
Farmington, NM 87499
(505) 860-5165