Weekly News – Oct 30, 2024
Oct 30, 2024
Hello Everyone,
What a great meeting and speaker we had last week. Greg Allen with San Juan Safe Communities spoke about the many things they do for our community. SJSCI produces “The Mayor’s Table”, a video podcast with important information about Farmington and SJ County, UmattR program, a Mental Health Task Force, A Youth Homeless Project, and NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Our club is currently #1 in Membership Growth for the Southwest District, out of 82 clubs! Just had to brag on our awesome club.
Wow! We inducted 3 new members last week and Kiwanis is looking forward to all our new volunteers getting involved! Cody, with Hills Insurance, has agreed to take over Scholastic Books for Kids from Bob. Cody said he is looking forward to working with this program and is excited to be involved with Kiwanis again. Hill Insurance Group is a Bronze Corporate Member.
Laura Tucker with Logo Energy is another new member and has volunteered to shop with Clothes for Kids on both evenings!
Teva Schofield , CFO with Heatwaves ,and her manager Carmen Stewart have been attending meetings and at the last week she brought her mother. Teva has 4 children under 9 years of age and she also has volunteered with Clothes for Kids. Heatwaves is a Bronze Corporate Member.
Susan Furry, owner of Trip J Ranch, submitted her membership application. She is interested in being a Bronze Corporate Member. Susan will be inducted at her earliest convenience.
Would you like to earn a new Kiwanis pin? When you bring in 5 new members you are eligible for a Ruby Award pin. Simply keep up with how many members you’ve brought in and then let the Membership chair or Club Secretary know so your pin can be ordered and awarded to you.
(From Jill: ) Thank You to Debbie Fentiman and Gary Hansen! Both have agreed to sit with our weekly speaker when I’m out of town which I truly appreciate. It’s a great way to meet people and find out more about them. Please say hello and introduce yourselves to our speakers and visitors.
I don’t know how many club members received an email from our Executive Director but I responded saying our club has not had a visit from the SW District Governor in several years. She looped my email with our Governor Dr. Sheila Barnett, She responded to let us know she will plan a visit to our club before the end of her term next September.
At the last Board Meeting, the Board approved inviting the Barbershop Quartet (actually 6 to 8 gentlemen) to entertain us at our Sweetheart Valentine Luncheon on February 13. Be sure and invite your special someone or Friend to join you for the Valentine’s luncheon.
Update on Kiwanis Shoes for Kids: We had a small glitch in shoe delivery as Big 5 didn’t have all the shoes when volunteers were ready to box shoes and socks. Lori should have the rest of the shoes sorted and to the Boys and Girls Club by end of this week. Due to high security at schools and the Club we were not able to put shoes on the kids. We plan to revisit for next year to see what can be worked out with Kiwanis and volunteers putting shoes on the kids.
Nikki got some great news! It’s posted on Kiwanis FB page (Rio del Sol Kiwanis) if you would like to see the 2024 Global Literacy Champions award that our club won! The last shipment of books we packed for the African Library Project (in the spring ) is finally on its way to South Africa . The ship “MMSC Coruna” is estimated to arrive in Durban, S Africa towards end of November. The books will then travel overland to Limpopo Province where they’ll be transported and distributed to the individual libraries in that area. Congratulations to Nikki and Kiwanis for providing literacy to children in South Africa!
Bob Lehmer and Cody still have Outback Tickets available. Tickets are $20 (book of 10 is $200) and they support Kiwanis Books for Kids. Each year Bob selects a Title One Elementary School to receive 1,000 Scholastic Books. Students select 2 books to take home for their very own. For each ticket sold, Arron at the Outback gives Kiwanis $15 (out of the $20). Tickets make great gifts or to take your family to dinner. They are good thru Jan 15 and can be used Sunday thru Thursdays.
Bob Lehmer: robertclehmer@gmail.com
More Volunteer Opportunities!!
Kiwanis Clothes for Kids is Nov 6 and 7. If you signed up to shop with a child and his/her family please come no later than 5:10. Your help is so appreciated.
Bob Brooks: rbrooks@slfcu.org
Photographer Nora Lujan will come to both events and take pictures.
Coats for Kids; If you’ve volunteered for Coats for Kids on Nov 6 or 7 please arrive at Animas Valley Mall (by Dillard’s) about 5:45.
Email brian.turner@morganstanley.com.
This year the Salvation Army is introducing “Register To Ring” as a way to manage volunteers; it features scheduling either as an individual or 2 or more. You can then select the location, date, and time when you want to volunteer. Simply scan the QR code and viola! You are ready to select your day and time that works for you to ring a bell. You can even bring your child to volunteer with you. The Salvation Army needs your help so please volunteer if you can. For information email:
A reminder…place your lunch order for tomorrow’s meeting BEFORE 10:00 AM Thursday. Please Email your lunch order to: Alyciaraney08@gmail.com
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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