Weekly News – May 24, 2023

May 24, 2023
Hello Everyone,
Our speaker tomorrow is Farmington Police Deputy Chief Baric Crum, who will be giving an update on Real Time Crime Center cameras. More cameras are still being added and they are partnering with local businesses.
Tomorrow evening is Business After Hours at EXIT Realty, 101 S Orchard. 5 to 7pm. Cost is $5. You are invited to attend as Kiwanis is a Chamber member.
Thank you to our speaker last week, Dave Zeller, CEO at NAPI. We really appreciate the update on what NAPI has going on and things they are planning on doing in the future. It is hoped to make NAPI one of the nation’s largest agriculture operations with 78,000 acres of farmland.
Bring your dollars to buy into the poker game and support our yearly social, too!
The Farmington Museum Foundation and the City of Farmington are having the second annual Freedom Days Ice Cream Social on Saturday, July 1st from 11 to 3. I’d appreciate it if 5 Kiwanis members will volunteer for a 2 1/2 hour shift serving ice cream. Civitans will be taking the other 2 1/2 shift. There will be a sign up sheet at the meeting Thursday or contact Jill, 505-860-5165. Last year approximately 800 or more people attended. It will be lots of fun for the whole family. Hayrides, dunk tank, obstacle course, magic by Mysto the magician, entertainment by ‘Into the Woods’ performers, ice cream eating contest, face painting. raffles and more.
Please send thoughts and prayers to Bernadette Alarid and her family; she lost her brother Jerry Alarid. Also to Jimmy Voita and his family; he lost his mother Shirley in the horrific incident in Farmington last week. We are thinking of them and Kiwanis sent flowers for both services.
Please keep these upcoming dates in mind and consider signing up for these important events.
Riverfest is this weekend and we are looking for volunteers. People can signup to sell tickets at the Duck Ticket Booths or for any other job listed on the volunteer site. Half the proceeds from Duck Ticket sales goes to Clothes for Kids. Sign-up at https://riverreachfoundation.volunteerlocal.com
June 17th will be the annual Outback Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast 8am-11am. Club members will be asked to help sell our $10 tickets…prizes for the top 3 sellers. All proceeds raised go to our club, Outback absorbs all costs and labor. We only need a small group to set up event signage, ticket sales/collection at door, a bit of bussing tables and breakdown of signage. We raised roughly $3,000-$4,000 last year for just a little bit of effort on our part;)
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Saturday June 24th at Bowlero Lanes.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters largest annual fundraising campaign. The money raised through this campaign will be used to support quality mentoring matches between caring adult volunteers and at-risk children in New Mexico. The goal for BFKS 2023 is to raise $23,000 to help children stay in school, graduate, build confidence, and achieve success in life. All funds for SJC stays in San Juan County.
We have a Rio del Sol Kiwanis Bowling team that Kiwanis members can join (you don’t have to be a good bowler, it is just for fun) or you can donate to our team. To join the bowling team or to donate go to https://p2p.onecause.com/bfkssjc2023/accept?challenger=chris-troyer&team=kiwanis-4
June 24th is also the Mac & Cheese Fest at Berg Park, 1pm-5pm. If you are interested in volunteering for 3-4 hours for a free ticket to attend, please email NikkiT@bgcfarmington.org. There are specific shifts before, during, and after, and they are filling fast.
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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