Weekly News – Mar 12, 2025

Mar 12, 2025 | News

Mar 12, 2025

Hello Everyone,

Our speaker tomorrow is Audra Winters, Executive Director for the San Juan Medical Foundation; a position she has held since July 2021. Connelly Hospitality House is owned and operated by San Juan Medical Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. The Connelly House provides safe and comfortable lodging for patients and their families who travel 50 miles or more for cancer treatment. The house serves patients who are receiving treatment at San Juan Regional Medical Center, San Juan Oncology, San Juan Regional Cancer Center, and other local facilities that provide cancer treatment in San Juan County.

Last week our speaker was Superintendent of Schools, Cody Diehl.

He gave an insightful talk on the status of the schools and any possible repercussions if the Education Department is dismantled. The schools system is doing well in regards to staffing, financing and school protection.

Club Elections-are April 17.  If you are willing to serving in one of these positions, please let President Nikki or Jill-Secretary know.

2 Director Positions-2 Year Terms   Chris Troyer and Lori Monteverdi have submitted their names.

1-Community Director-1 Year Term


Treasurer-Chris won’t be serving as Treasurer next year  (2 year Term)

New Officers take office on October 1.

Kiwanis Shoes for Kids-Lori Kruger was Chairman last year for Shoes for Kids but her business has gotten so busy she is unable to chair it this year.  If this wonderful program is one you’d like to learn more about please talk to Nikki.   Kiwanis has sponsored Shoes for Kids program for the past 7 years and each year has provided new athletic shoes and socks for children attending the Boys and Girls Clubs.

2ndAnnual Forks and Corks For Friends is Kiwanis next fundraiser at Triple J Ranch on Thursday, May 1 from 5:30 to 9PM with a Derby Theme. The Ranch setting is going to be a perfect location for this Kiwanis fun fundraiser. If you’d like to help on the committee, please talk to Nikki. There will be live music, food, drinks, and prizes. Sponsorships available.

 Farmington Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Expo at Farmington Civic Center is Friday, April 4.  Kiwanis has a booth at the Expo. Nikki, Jill, Chris and Lori have volunteered but more are needed to share Kiwanis with others. Can you come for a few hours from 9am to 1pm for this fun and interesting time?

Kiwanis is a member of VisitFarmington (Farmington Visitors and Convention Center) Their annual meeting is April 29 at Farmington Civic Center at 7:30AM.  No charge but reservations are required.

 Riverfest duck tickets are now on sale. Purchase your lucky duck ticket for a chance to win one of the following prizes: 

– First place: $2000 

– Second place: $1000 

– Third place: $500

– More amazing prizes for subsequent winners.

1 ticket for $5 or buy an entire book of 12 tickets for $50! The duck race takes place Sunday, May 25th at 3 PM. For more information visit riverfestnewmexico.com 

Please like us on Facebook,  riodelsolkiwanis