Forks & Corks Tickets


This event supports Rio del Sol Kiwanis Clothes for Kids



Forks & Corks
in support of
Rio del Sol Kiwanis
Clothes for Kids

You can buy tickets to Forks & Corks online until sold out – or until Wednesday, April 30, 2025.  After that date, tickets are only available from Kiwanis Club members.

You will receive an email receipt for the purchase of your tickets here.

Please print that receipt and bring it with you to the event.

The 2025 Forks & Corks event will be held at the Triple J Ranch on Thursday, May 1, from 5:30pm to 9:00pm.  Tickets are $36 – available right here or with Kiwanis Club members.  Note:  the pricing includes a $1 convenience fee to cover credit card transaction fees.

The event will include live music, 3 free drinks & food, gift card pulls, and Derby Theme attire.