Weekly News – Nov 9, 2022

Nov 2, 2022
Hello Everyone,
Our speaker tomorrow Tina Pacheco-White, Executive Director with First Tee. First Tee Four Corners is a youth development organization founded in 2005. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with a life skills curriculum, we create active learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence and resilience that kids carry to everything they do.
First Tee’s programs have expanded into Durango and Cortez. First Tee is excited with the recent launch of PGA HOPE (Helping Our Heroes Everywhere). This is a program designed specifically for disabled veterans and is available to all vets in the Four Corners free of charge.
Board Members please stay after the meeting tomorrow-Board Meeting immediately following noon meeting.
Thank you to Gayle Dean-Executive Director of the SJC Foundation for her information last week and updates. Her information on the Bonds and why vote yes, how it will support the College and this community was remarkable. Bond C will contribute to our economy now and in the future, without raising tax rates.
Thank you GJ for joining us as a guest last week; we hope you enjoyed your time with us and we are pleased you came!
Congratulations to Nikki for winning the weekly card! There were 51 cards in the deck when she drew the Ace of Spades; Holy Moly!
Thank you to everyone that helped with Clothes for Kids. It was wonderful to see all of those kids and families being supported and the amazing volunteers and committee that made this a success. It was exciting to see the Grinch and the Target staff made this another rocking year!
Another thank you to everyone that came out last night for boxing of the African Library project. We packed over 2,000 boxes for 2 full libraries to different areas of Uganda and it will be remarkable to see pictures next year after they arrive. These books mean the world to these communities.
Please keep these upcoming dates in mind and consider signing up for these important events.
Thank you to everyone that has helped with the coat collection so far this year. Our big event is this Saturday November 12th at 9am-11am at the Civic Center!
As of today we have over 200 Kids registered to show up, so it should be another great year.
We are in need of a few people to help us load the truck from the storage unit this FRIDAY at 6pm. The Salvation Army (Chris Rockwell) has graciously loaned us their truck to help transport but need a few people to help load and unload. If you are able we will be meeting at the storage unit at:
14 Road 5374
Farmington, NM 87401
United States
Please email Brian at brian.turner@morganstanley.com or contact at 505-635-0270 if you are available or have questions.
May 13, 2023 is Thomas Jefferson and John Adams at the Farmington Civic Center. Tickets will go on sale at the end of January. We would like to encourage members to dress in costumes from the 1776 era and let’s make this a really cool event for our community.
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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