Weekly News – Mar 5, 2025

Mar 5, 2025 | News

Mar 5, 2025

Hello Everyone,

Superintendent of Schools Cody Diehl is our speaker tomorrow. Mr.Diehl is in his 29th year of public education.

Trump has said he plans to abolish the Department of Education. Cody may or may not have information on how this will affect our schools at the time of this presentation. He will share updates on what’s going on in the schools.

Kiwanis speakers last week were Tonya Stinson, Ingrid Gilbert, and Chanatel Bacon with Go Farmington. Their recent FarmingtonOnly.com campaign won the marketing award for Most Innovative Campaign. Farmington.  Their efforts have been rewarded by attracting visitors to our area.

Club Elections-are April 17.  If you are interested in serving in one of these positions, please let President Nikki or Jill-Secretary know.

2 Director Positions-2 Year Terms   Chris Troyer and Lori Monteverdi have submitted their names.

1-Community Director-1 Year Term


Treasurer-Chris won’t be serving as Treasurer next year  (2 year Term)

New Officers take office on October 1.

Update on Rocianate Key Club: Meg Soto has served as Faculty Advisor for the past 3 years but has retired for medical issues. Taking her place is Bradley McKibben.

Erin Gockel has served as Kiwanis Key Club Advisor for the past 3 years but she said she can no longer serve as Kiwanis Key Club Advisor at Rociante High School.  This position is challenging in that most students only attend for 1 to 1 ½ years before they graduate. It would take a very dedicated and passionate person to fill her shoes but if anyone is interested, please let Jill know.

2nndAnnual Forks and Corks For Friends is Kiwanis next fundraiser at Triple J Ranch. Nikki is working with Susan Furry on a May 1 date with a Derby Theme. The Ranch setting will be a perfect location for this Kiwanis fun fundraiser.

 Farmington Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Expo will be held at Farmington Civic Center on Friday, April 4.  Kiwanis has a booth at the Expo. Nikki, Jill, Chris  and Lori have volunteered to help in booth but more are needed so we can share Kiwanis with others. Let us know if you can come for a few hours from 9am to 1pm for this fun and interesting time.

Kiwanis is a member of Visit Farmington (Farmington Visitors and Convention Center).  Visit Farmington’s annual meeting is April 29 at Farmington Civic Center. There’s no charge but reservations are required. If want to attend, email me and I’ll be happy to make your reservations when I make mine.  This blurb will not be in next week’s newsletter.

Facebook messaged Kiwanis that we have 1457 Followers! Not bad for helping to get information out about our programs and fundraisers  in the community.

Please like us on Facebook,  riodelsolkiwanis