Weekly News – Feb 7, 2024

Feb 7, 2024
Hello Everyone,
Our speaker tomorrow is Jennifer Johnson, Deputy Director of San Juan United Way. The United Way is currently working on hygiene for our homeless student population. There are currently 493 homeless students/families identified in the Farmington Municipal Schools alone and county-wide the number is in the thousands. These students and their families need hygiene items such as shampoo, toothbrushes, and deodorant as well as emergency food boxes and clothing. She will let Kiwanis know how we can help.
Board Members, we will switch the Board Meeting to next week’s Weekly Meeting. Several of us are going to Traegers directly after the Weekly Meeting to setup for our Forks & Corks event; YAY!!!
Thank you to our speaker last week, Andrea Pena, with Childhaven. The Childhaven Foundation is currently running their “Pledge for Children” Campaign. Thank you for sharing all you do for the kids in our Community and details regarding the needs for foster parents.
Thank you AJ Begay for joining us from the Boys & Girls Club. We look forward to seeing you regularly!
Tomorrow is the Forks & Corks BIG DAY! I want to thank everyone that purchased tickets or helped sell tickets, sponsored, provided gift cards, items, and booze. We couldn’t do this without each of you! Ticket sales have been great and there are still some tickets available. If we don’t sell those today, we will have limited sales at the door. Hope to see you there and thank you for helping provide extra money to keep Clothes for Kids a success!!!
We still need a point person to run the Duck Race; if you are interested, please let Bernadette know;)
Please keep these upcoming dates in mind and consider signing up for these important events.
February 8th – Forks & Corks with Friends at 5:30pm at Traegers!!! Benefitting Clothes for Kids
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
New Website
We have a brand new website! In April 2022, we...