Weekly News – Feb 15, 2023

Feb 15, 2023
Hello Everyone,
Our speaker tomorrow is Megan Cullip. She will discuss Street Medicine-a program where medical providers travel around and stop at gathering spots for homeless people to render aid. They are mainly in need of food, sleeping bags, and clothing. Their group serves 50 to 60 Farmington homeless each week.
Thank you to our speaker last week, Ken Collins. His online course for managers and business owners was very captivating! He discussed how you influence people and the world every where you go and still if you choose to cancel and not go. He explained how important it is to understand what makes employees want to stay; more important than why they leave. Finally, he gave ideas for hiring and ideas to grow the employment pool. Thank you for the wonderful info!
Thank you guests Jim Courtney with Nikki Taylor and Ed with Mike Feazell for joining us last week; we are glad you came!
Fran has been planning with the social committee and they want to host a cornhole tournament. They are looking into 3 locations and date is TBD. Probably late spring/early summer. You can watch YouTube videos and learn and start practicing!
Please help put out posters if you have a place that will approve them for Jefferson/Adams. Tickets are on sale and try to keep seats together in the Kiwanis block so there aren’t gaps and wasted seats.
Bring your dollars to buy into the poker game and support the yearly social, too!
Please keep these upcoming dates in mind and consider signing up for these important events.
Don’t Meth With Us is already presenting at the local schools Considering attending this Friday in Aztec at 1pm.
May 13, 2023 is Thomas Jefferson and John Adams at the Farmington Civic Center. Tickets are now on sale. We would like to encourage members to dress in costumes from the 1776 era and let’s make this a really cool event for our community. We now have Les Leach and Tabitha John playing the drum and fife for the Jefferson and Adams event on May 13. They will be in costume and playing music from the 1776 era outside the Civic Center before the event. It will really set the mood for the debate between the 2nd and 3rd Presidents of the United States.
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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