Weekly News – Aug 17, 2022
![Weekly News Aug 17 2022](https://riodelsolkiwanis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Weekly-News-Aug-17-2022.jpg)
Aug 17, 2022
Greetings Everyone,
Our speakers tomorrow are the Kiwanis Programs Chairman who are asked to tell about their program. Club members are invited to volunteer for the program/programs they want to participate in and are willing to serve on. Each chairman will receive the list of his or her volunteers, this list may continue to grow or decline throughout the Kiwanis year. We will discuss this and all questions are welcome.
A big thank you to Farmington Police Chief, Steve Hebbe for presenting to us last week. Chief Hebbe has been our chief for over eight years and in this profession for 32 years. He told us, the new police building, purchased by the City of Farmington, will be located in the southeast corner of Farmington and near the jail on Andrea Drive. Chief Hebbe spoke of the presence of police throughout Farmington, if not physically, via Real Time Crime Center cameras. Chief Hebbe told us, our police officers wear lapel cameras and all units also have cameras. Chief Hebbe explained the “Anderson Tool” which our Judicial System uses to score criminals thus releasing some violent criminals, depending on their score. Chief cautioned us of what we read on Facebook and shared an example of a recent case where an individual lied. It cost the police department hundreds of hours investigating the false claim, caused unnecessary worry, and parents considered not sending their children to school. The individual did come forward admitting it was a big lie and took the post off Facebook. Don’t believe everything you read on Facebook! We look forward to Chief Hebbe’s next visit. Thank you Chief Hebbe for sharing with us.
Congratulations to Raeann Knight of Citizens Bank, on her induction into the Kiwanis Rio del Sol club. Welcome Raeann!
Dining With The Dead is around the corner! Tickets are selling fast. Get your tickets before they are sold out! September 10th will be here before you know it! The event takes place at Greenlawn Cemetery and starts at 4:00 PM. You can purchase your tickets at Artifacts and Howard’s Cleaners.
The Farmington Regional Animal Shelter (FRAS) is in need of volunteer foster families. FRAS says, “fostering provides crucial overflow space to animals between homes, too young to be adopted, or recovering from illness or injury. Fostering also provides lessons for children that can enrich their lives forever and it is rewarding for the entire family.” The foster application can be completed at fmtn.org/767/Fostering or you can visit the animal shelter at 133 Browning Parkway. If you have any questions, please phone (505) 599-8386.
We would like to thank our guest, Farmington Police Sergeant Jonathan Jensen, for attending our meeting last week. Jonathan was a guest of Farmington Police Chief Hebbe.
It was announced, Judy Castleberry will be moving to Albuquerque. We will miss our longtime member and friend. We hope you will come visit us!
We hope to see you at Business After Hours, sponsored by Mountain West Insurance. Business After Hours will be held at the San Juan Country Club, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Bring your business card for a chance to win the bucket of dollars! The entry fee is $5.00. Kiwanis is a Chamber Member so all Kiwanians are invited.
New Mexico Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic will be held Sept 23-24, 2022. They are looking for volunteers and patients. Please register @ nmdentalfoundation.org if you are interested in helping with this event. If you have questions about the event email nmmom2@nmdaf.org .
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed) are coming to Farmington Civic Center next May 13, 2023! They were both Presidents and they died on the same day, July 4, 1826. This event is co-sponsored by Farmington Rio del Sol Kiwanis and the Civic Center. Once the actors have completed their debate, they will take questions from the audience. We have reached out to find someone to play a drum and fife, dressed in costume. Plans are to show a film prior to event with pictures from 1776 era.
If you have news/information for the Kiwanis Weekly News, please let Bernadette know!
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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