Weekly News – Apr 20, 2022

Apr 20, 2022
Greetings Everyone,
Our speaker tomorrow is Megan Cullip of Good Neighbor Foundation. Megan asks “When we come to the end of our lives, what’s important? Who takes care of us? And what happens when we need care but there’s no one to pay the bills and resources are limited?” Megan, hospice chaplain and executive director of the Basin Good Neighbor Foundation will talk about neighboring, end of life, generosity, and the resources available to those that need it.
A big thank you to LeAndra Darby of Major Mortgage. LeAndra spoke to us about an exciting new program that benefits Kiwanis. Major Mortgage’s Moment Campaign provides a way to direct donation dollars towards the Kiwanis organization and the children’s programs that our organization dedicates time, energy, and resources to, thus helping our community thrive. Thank you Leandra for rooting for Kiwanis in your Campaign with Major Mortgage.Congratulations to Moses Ayiku of Lacewood Associates Management Consultants, LLC who submitted his application for Kiwanis membership. Moses was unanimously voted in. Come join us at tomorrow’s meeting as we officially induct Moses into our close knit family of Kiwanis.
Congratulations to Richard Burns, Kate Malone, and the Piedra Vista Key Club for being chartered into the family of Kiwanis. Matt Ellis, Director of Key Club International wrote “We deeply appreciate your partnership as an advisor. You and other advisors help make this leadership and service opportunity available to thousands of high school students around the globe each year. Now more than ever, THANK YOU!!! “ We also thank you, Richard and Kate for being the finest leaders and taking our youth under your wings.
Jill McQueary spoke to Trudy Goldsmith last week and had great information to report. Trudy is on her way to recovery after a very long bout with pneumonia. Trudy hopes to join us in the next few weeks at our weekly meeting. We look forward to seeing you, Trudy. We miss you and are happy you are getting well.
A message from Jill McQueary…Hi Everyone! You are invited to the Chartering Ceremony for the Piedra Vista Key Club on Tuesday evening, May 3 at 6pm, at the Farmington Civic Center. We want these students to feel very special as they become part of the Kiwanis Family. We sincerely hope you will come and support them as they begin their new Key Club adventure. President, Tony DiGiacomo, will lead the ceremony and Rick Burns, Kiwanis Advisor, High School Faculty Advisor, Key Club Officers and families will be present at the ceremony. Anyone wanting to bring cookies–please do so, it would be much appreciated!
Another message from Jill McQueary…I’ve been working with Ken Collins on Kiwanis new website. A few corrections have been made and Ken will make these plus a few more. Once this happens, Ken will begin the process to get get it online (3 to 5 days). Then ecommerce can be installed so we can sell online tickets, a small service fee is charged for this service. Later this week, we will ask Board members to look it over and offer any suggestions they have. The site will have a box for Club News, this will show our newsletter, it likely will be a few days to a week behind but still will be of interest to anyone checking us out.
We will be able to display our Corporate Members logos so this will be a Big Plus!
Dr. Bob Lehmer, chairman of Scholastic Books For Kids is set for his Fair, Tuesday, April 26 at Apache Elementary. Dr. Lehmer asks that we save the date, as we need help with our successful enterprises. Thank you in advance for your helping hand.
Joan Monninger, Chairman of the Downtown Farmington Historical Walk would like you to remind your friends and family to purchase your tickets for the exciting April 30th event. There is much history being brought back to life and we are excited to hear all about it. Several old cars will be on display at Orchard and Main during the Historical Walk. You can see what folks drove back in the 1920’s, 30’s, 40’s, and early 1950’s. The costumes are also a must see! You can purchase your $15 tickets at Howard’s Cleaners 1601 North Dustin 505-325-5931 and at Artifacts Gallery 302 East Main 505-327-2907. The proceeds are used to purchase Clothes, Coats, Shoes, and Books for our children in San Juan County. Please purchase your tickets before they are sold out. Come one, come all! Hear all about it!
Club Elections is coming up April 28, 2022. The following positions are open and those people listed next to office have placed their name on the ballot. President Elect, Bernadette Alarid; Secretary, Nikki Taylor; Membership, Dr. Bob Lehmer; Board Member, Jill McQueary; Board Member, D’Ann Waters; Community Director, Dr. Ed Kompare; Treasurer, Chris Troyer. Please contact one of the officers and let them know if you are interested in a position. Thank you!
Riverfest 2022 is just around the corner. Volunteer now, to help at the Duck Ticket Booth or other areas. Half the proceeds from Duck Ticket sales will go to Kiwanis. To volunteer, select the link https://riverreachfoundation.volunteerlocal.com The Riverfest Duck Race is May 29 at 2:00 PM. Tickets are $5.00 or $50 for a book of twelve. See D’Ann to get your book of tickets. We all need to help sell, sell, sell…. You also can purchase tickets at these two centrally located sites, Carpet One Floor & Home, 3456 East Main Street 505-427-2530 and Caregivers In Your Home 1910 North Dustin 505-325-7777.
Summer Jakino, Chairman of the Kiwanis Outback Steakhouse Pancake Breakfast, announced that there will be prizes for whoever sells the most Pancake Breakfast tickets! $100 gift card from Clancy’s for 1st place and two $50 gift cards for 2nd and 3rd place winners. Tickets are only $10 for pancakes, eggs, bacon, coffee, and orange juice. In the past, this was a successful event. Let’s take dad, hubby, or honey out to breakfast for a Father’s Day treat. Bring the whole family, the price is a DEAL! They will love and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters is having their annual fundraiser, Bowl For Kids Sake, in June. They are looking for bowling teams and sponsors. For more information, please contact Chris Troyer cdtroyer@gmail.com and let him know you are ready for action! The Farmington Regional Animal Shelter is looking for Volunteer Transfer Drivers to transfer animals to other shelters and rescues. Most transfers run Tuesday thru Thursday to Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Durango, Denver, and Colorado Springs. You DO NOT load or unload the animals, it is done for you and all costs are covered. Go online and complete the volunteer application www.fmtn.org/volunteer
The Children’s Hope Foundation is raffling a 2022 Keystone Hideout in hope of raising $75,000 to aid families with sick children. The money will stay in the community and helps with gasoline, food, lodging, etc. The tickets are $25 or 5 for $100. You can purchase your tickets at Go.rallyup.com
Please like us on Facebook, riodelsolkiwanis
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