Our History & Projects –
Board & Officers
The Rio del Sol Kiwanis Club of Farmington was chartered on May 5, 2013. The chartering ceremony was held at St. Clair’s Restaurant with 31 Charter Members on June 22, 2013 with Bob Brooks agreeing to be the club’s First President. Attending from the Southwest District were Executive Director Rose Ann Dodson, Past DG Greg Dodson, and Dist Gov Jim Courtright. Kiwanis first meeting location for the new club was at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. The club meeting location soon moved to Porters Smokehouse Restaurant and currently meets at No Worries at the airport
Farmington Rio del Sol Kiwanis
Our Projects
Our club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.
Dining with the Dead
Jill and Paul McQueary: Coordinators. Dining With the Dead is a historical reenactment of San Juan County’s earliest pioneers and is held in Greenlawn Cemetery. This event was first held on September 21, 2013. Guests have dinner and then a Guide takes them to meet Reenactors who stand by the graves as they tell the pioneers stories. It is an annual event, held on the second weekend in September, and has sold out prior to the event for 8 years, This is Kiwanis Signature Event.
Kiwanis Clothes for Kids
Chairman-Bob Brooks: was formerly a project of another service club, was abandoned by that organization, and was adopted by Rio del Sol Kiwanis. The first Kiwanis Clothes for Kids was held the first Wednesday and Thursday of November 2013 at Target. Kiwanis helped 319 underprivileged San Juan County elementary boys and girls with $100 each in clothes, shoes, socks, underwear, etc. This is an annual event and is well known in the community. #KidsNeedKiwanis
Kiwanis Coats for Kids
Chairman: Brian Turner. Approximately 700 new and gently used coats were donated to help keep San Juan County boys and girls warm during the cold winter months. Over 400 coats were distributed at the Fire Station at the bottom of Harper Hill in November 2014. This is an annual event.
Kiwanis Shoes for Kids
Chairman-Stephenie Caswell. Each year Kiwanis provides new athletic shoes and socks to 250 to 350 children attending the Boys and Girls Clubs in Farmington, Hiltop, and Bloomfield.
Kiwanis Scholastic Books for Kids
Bob Lehmer, Chairman. Each year a Title One elementary school is selected to receive 1,000 Scholastic Books. Each student is invited to come and select 2 books for their very own to take home. It has been proven that children who begin reading at an early age, do better in school and stay in school longer.
Don’t Meth With Us
Paul McQueary-President. DMWU is an anti-drug awareness program for all 5th grade students in San Juan County and north eastern Navajo Reservation. The Don’t Meth With Us Foundation partners with Rio del Sol Kiwanis. The program started in the spring of 2007 and today is an international program.
African Library Project
Chair Nikki Taylor. Currently Rio del Sol Kiwanis has sent 10 libraries to English speaking countries in Africa. Each library consists of 1,000 books. Most of the schools receiving the libraries only have a few books available for students. Students are so excited when their library arrives they carry the boxes on their heads to their schools. Often, the libraries are opened to the parents as well.
Memorial Day Riverfest Duck Race
Memorial Day Riverfest Duck Race is an annual event that partners with the River Reach Foundation. Kiwanis share of the proceeds benefit Kiwanis Clothes for Kids.
Pancake Breakfast
Join us for the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast held annually on the Saturday of Father’s Day weekend at the Outback Steakhouse in Farmington, NM from 8am to 11am. This event is a fundraiser for Kiwanis Clothes for Kids.
Kiwanis International
Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time. Today, we stand with more than 550,000 members from K-Kids to Key Club to Kiwanis and many ages in between in 80 countries and geographic areas. Each community has different needs, and Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy and offering guidance.
Kiwanis clubs host nearly 150,000 service projects each year.
Board of Directors
& Officers
Our club is governed by an elected Board of Directors and Officers, comprised of hard working men and women.
Nikki Taylor
President Elect
Kathy Hogan
Past President
Bernadette Alarid
Chris Troyer
Jill McQuery
Bob Brooks
Brian Turner
Summer Jakino
Gary Hansen
Community Director
Ed Kompare
Membership Director
Di Searle
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Contact Us
P.O. Box 843
Farmington, NM 87499
(505) 860-5165