Weekly News – Mar 19, 2025

Mar 19, 2025 | News

Mar 19, 2025

Hello Everyone,

Nicole Clark is our speaker tomorrow.  Nicole‘s presentation is on Masada House, Inc., a transitional program for women. Their mission is to provide a safe, secure home for women recovering from substance abuse to practice the skills taught in treatment to become productive community members.

She’ll also tell us about Masada’s upcoming big fundraiser, Music for Masada.

Audra Winters, Executive Director for the San Juan Medical Foundation was our speaker last week. She gave a very information and interesting presentation about Connelly Hospitality House and their other programs

Club Elections-are April 17.  If you are interested in serving in one of these positions, please let President Nikki or Jill-Secretary know. The club will be notified 2 weeks in advance of election date for those running for offices.

2 Director Positions-2 Year Terms  

Chris Troyer and Lori Monteverdi have submitted their names.

Bob Brooks and Gary Hansen still have 1 year left on their terms.

1-Community Director-1 Year Term


Treasurer-Chris won’t be serving as Treasurer next year  (2 year Term)

New Officers take office on October 1.

Kiwanis Shoes for Kids-Many thanks to Erin Hunt, Lori Kruger’s daughter) for stepping up to Shoes for Kids Kiwanis has sponsored Shoes for Kids program for the past 7 years and each year has provided new athletic shoes and socks for children attending the Boys and Girls Clubs.  

Amber Danek, FHS Key Club Faculty Advisor reports they are taking 40 students, 3 staff and 2 parents to Key Club DCON in Albuquerque on March 28-30. 

All Fully Paid.  FHS sold 250 boxes of donuts to finish paying for conference. They are very grateful for Kiwanis paying for the bus.

DID YOU KNOW?  In 1924, the Objects of Kiwanis were adopted and remain unchanged today. Each year, clubs sponsor nearly 150,000 service projects, complete more than 18.5 million hours in volunteer service and raise more than $100 million.

2ndAnnual Forks and Corks For Friends will be at Triple J Ranch on Thursday, May 1 from 5:30 to 9PM with a Derby Theme. You all received a copy of the flyer that will be running with the Chamber of Commerce and on the VisitFarmington website. If you or anyone you know would like to be a sponsor please talk with Nikki. And, also if you’d like to help on the committee.  There will be live music, food, drinks, and prizes and lots of fun. Sponsorships available.

 Farmington Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Expo at Farmington Civic Center is Friday, April 4.  Kiwanis has a table at the Expo. Come and support our club! 

#KidsNeedKiwanis        #KiwanisNeedsYou

Kiwanis is a member of VisitFarmington (Farmington Visitors and Convention Center) Their annual meeting is April 29 at Farmington Civic Center at 7:30AM.  No charge but reservations are required.  Thanks to those who are going, it’s a fun, informative time.

Riverfest duck tickets are now on sale. Purchase your lucky duck ticket for a chance to win one of the following prizes: 

– First place: $2000 

– Second place: $1000 

– Third place: $500

– More amazing prizes for subsequent winners.

1 ticket for $5 or buy an entire book of 12 tickets for $50! The duck race takes place Sunday, May 25th at 3 PM. For more information visit riverfestnewmexico.com 

Please like us on Facebook,  riodelsolkiwanis